Sunday, November 4, 2007

In the midst of it all, I am well.

The families I am seeing are touching me and I cannot and will not shake it off. These are people.

In my life right now, I am facing a challenge. Zangakatun, the organization I work for, that helps these families... changes their lives, will no longer be funded starting this December. One more month. I do not know the first steps in serious fundraising. I just know that as shaky as my first step is , I must take it.

So this is what my life is composed of right now. It's what stops my pen from writing, halts me when I walk. In the midst of it all, I am well.

In addition to work, I find myself grasping for empty time. Craving solitute so I can give attention for my need for reflection to learn the lessons that need to be learned, my system that needs to be relaxed, and my body that needs to be pampered. Sitting (meditation) has become a rare treat that I savor when it comes. Many volunteers here are on "Armenian time" relaxed. layed back-- doing some tasks at work and have the rest of the day for anything they choose. I am finding myself as busy or busier here then I was in the U.S. Often I feel exhausted and guilty for not spending time with my family. There are still 2 aunts and sets of cousins that I have not yet met. I plan to this week. Cross your fingers for me. :)
Not to mention language, time for studying...people say I am improving even though I don't really feel it.

So I guess that should be it for now.
Again, please know in the midst I am well. It is all good.

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